
Friday, 14 May 2010

Initial thoughts about TMA02

Although I'm not really up to date with all the activities for Weeks 13 & 14, I'm conscious of the fact that TMA02 is due in on 1st June, which is now just over two weeks away. As I'm going to be really busy at work (mainly marking exams) and I'm going on a field trip for four days from 23rd May, I feel that I really must start thinking about the TMA.

The brief is quite confusing:

From Block 2, choose three activities that have helped you to develop your understanding of:

  • choices that practitioners make about ways of applying technologies for their learners
  • choices that learners make about their own learning, in terms of which technologies they use, why and how.

From my initial look back through Block 2 it's quite hard to select activities that fit the brief and provide sufficient scope to be able to write something worthwhile.

The guidance notes accompanying the brief suggest looking at the learning outcomes at the end of each week and identifying the activities that relate to the relevant learning outcomes, so here are the main options:


Relevant Learning Outcomes


"Choices that practitioners make about ways of applying technologies...."

"Choices that learners make about their own learning...."

8 and 9

You have explored a range of resources and cases studies; you have looked at how the Cloudworks website might be used to find and share learning and teaching ideas and designs.



The OER websites you visited present different learning designs and tools.

The activity exploring students' use of blogs.



Reading the articles by Price et al. (2007) and Richardson (2009) should have encouraged you to think about why different students chose to take courses with online tuition or courses with face-to-face tuition.

13 and 14


In Activities 1 and 3 you saw examples of students using particular ICT tools in the context of courses teaching ICT skills. You also saw diverse experiences and personal responses to the challenges of technology as an integral part of course study.

NB: All text in the table is taken from the relevant weeks of the H800 course pages:



    Hi Tony

    Txs for your blog post it confirms my choices so far. I was also considering the activities related to 'hybridization'?

  2. thanx so much for doing this Tony - it's really helpful. Agree it's quite confusing too - but I agree with your analysis.
