When I started getting interested in blogs in 2010, the one thing I realised was that the best blogs are those which are regularly maintained - not necessarily every day, but at least once or twice a week. So I'm a bit disappointed with myself that having started my own blog to accompany my studies on Module H800 on the MA ODE, I let it lapse once the module was complete.
Well, here I am just about to commence H807, and this seems like just the incentive I need to resurrect the blog and have another go. I'm looking forward to the new module (Innovations in E-Learning) and to collaborating with a new set of learners. I'm going to try to use the blog more widely this time, and to include posts about topics beyond H807. This might include posts related both to my work and to other interests, so it will provide an opportunity to articulate some ideas and maybe just to have a rant!
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